Monday, September 13, 2004

CBS stands by its story

CBS stands by its story. This is the story that points to previously unknown documents of LTCOL Jerry Killian, a man dead two decades, who (though he didn’t type) used Microsoft WORD 10 years before it was available. Those documents now appear to be forged.

CBS stands by its story. Sounds a lot like NBC standing by its story on GM pickup trucks back in the ‘80s. Stood by, that is, until GM spent untold amounts investigating the story and on the close inspection of the films, and mirabile dictu, it turns out NBC itself deliberately ignited incendiary devices to “simulate” explosions that were not cooperating with NBC’s preconceived notions. NBC: “Oh, that…”

CBS stands by its story. Understand, the reporters didn’t think it was necessary to talk to the widow of the man, nor his son. Both said nothing sounded like their loved one.

CBS stands by its story. Even though the person who “authenticated” the documents says he never saw the forged documents, and never authenticated them. And says he was misled by CBS.

CBS stands by its story. Even though the person who is said to have pressured LCOL Killian to “sugarcoat” Bush’s record was no longer in the National Guard at the time.


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