The medium sure ain't the message
Let’s take a look at that message Kerry used in his debate, shall we? Don’t try to read a transcript, because your eyes will cross. Kerry was clear about only one thing: his contempt for President Bush. Everything else was all across the board, but the Democrats don’t care. They would accept Kerry’s decision to reintroduce slavery, as long as it won the White House. They have no more intention of allowing Kerry to win the war than they have reinstituting the draft or slavery, for that matter. They will say anything to win.
One of his chief gaffes was the absurd contradiction that Mr. Multilateral would sweep aside the multilateral talks with North Korea going on now, in favor of the US alone negotiating with Mr. Kim. ‘Splain that to me, will you? That’s right up there with the Global Test Mr. Kerry is currently studying for.
Another canard that the Press has yet to discover is the notion that there is a draft lurking in the minds of the Republicans. The dots that the dear reporters seem incapable of connecting are: it is Kerry, not Bush, who keeps saying we need more troops, in contradiction to the theater commanders; no president can reinstitute the draft by fiat; the all-volunteer service has yielded the most effective fighting force in the history of mankind; only Democrats are flogging this horse.
My favorite is the idea that other countries, like France, are magically going to help us in Iraq. Look, France wouldn’t even fight for themselves; I wouldn’t count on them doing our fighting. French leaders allowed their populace to be subjected to jackbooted Nazis after a month in 1940. Freedom isn’t a big deal for them. They prefer to make money by skirting International sanctions, like Oil for “Food.”
One of his chief gaffes was the absurd contradiction that Mr. Multilateral would sweep aside the multilateral talks with North Korea going on now, in favor of the US alone negotiating with Mr. Kim. ‘Splain that to me, will you? That’s right up there with the Global Test Mr. Kerry is currently studying for.
Another canard that the Press has yet to discover is the notion that there is a draft lurking in the minds of the Republicans. The dots that the dear reporters seem incapable of connecting are: it is Kerry, not Bush, who keeps saying we need more troops, in contradiction to the theater commanders; no president can reinstitute the draft by fiat; the all-volunteer service has yielded the most effective fighting force in the history of mankind; only Democrats are flogging this horse.
My favorite is the idea that other countries, like France, are magically going to help us in Iraq. Look, France wouldn’t even fight for themselves; I wouldn’t count on them doing our fighting. French leaders allowed their populace to be subjected to jackbooted Nazis after a month in 1940. Freedom isn’t a big deal for them. They prefer to make money by skirting International sanctions, like Oil for “Food.”
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