Let me share with you how the fake documents CBS has tried to flog fits with the media’s approach to the Swift Boat Vets, and their attack on John Kerry.
My reference is Nicholas Kristof’s column yesterday in the New York Times (a copy of which I will post on my website at http://rance.net/kristof.pdf). Mr Kristof makes the point that, “Mr. Kerry has stretched the truth here and there, but earned his decorations. And the Swift Boat Veterans, contradicted by official records and virtually everyone who witnessed the incidents, are engaging in one of the ugliest smears in modern U.S. politics.”
What the column has in common with CBS is shoddy work.
For instance, Kristof mentions William Rood in connection with the March 1969 incident, when Rood’s comments about Kerry refer to the February 1969 mission. A small matter? Not when Rood is used as an eyewitness to an event he didn’t attend.
Another example: Kristof claims that every enlisted man that served with him backs up Kerry’s account. That conveniently leaves out Steve Gardner, the man who served longest under Kerry, and calls him a coward and a liar.
Regarding the March 1969 incident, virtually everyone who was an eyewitness to the Bay Hap incident in March disputes Kerry’s account, contrary to Kristof’s assertion .
The now common assertion made by the mainstream media that the charges alleged by the Swift Boat Veterans have been contradicted is misleading. The allegations have been contradicted, but not disproved. I have unpacked the charges made by the Swift Boat Vets and found there are 35 charges, 16 of which are TRUE (Kerry has admitted or has failed to address), 15 are IN DISPUTE (contradicted, but not disproved) and four of which are FALSE (not admitted by the SBV, but summarily deemed false by me). The full list is available at http://rance.net/sbv.pdf.
Who’s smearing whom?