Monday, February 28, 2005

Hunter Thompson, R.I.P.

Let me say at the outset, I am not in the least perturbed that this person took his own life. After all, it was his choice. That the act may be the only irretrievable mortal sin is not something to which he would give much credence, wouldn't you agree?

What I find repulsive is the fawning way Thompson is being dealt with by his running dogs in journalism. Some of them, like David Carr in the New York Times, try to pass themselves off as acolytes of a sort. Carr only displays his ignorance of physics in bending his own white-bread reporting style("Mr. Thompson managed to live and write his own version of the Heisenberg principle: That the observer not only changes events by his presence, but his presence also frequently surpasses the event in terms of importance.") No mention of the way his suicide might affect (forever) his grandson.

You liked Hunter Thompson? I liked Joe Pyne. Both had more style than, say, that unprincipled imp Michael Moore, and now both are gone. No big deal.


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